الاثنين، 11 أكتوبر 2010

The perfect 7ajj giveaway

 Are you going to the Haj inshalla this year? If so are you looking for the perfect haj giveaway for completing this special ritual? Thoub Maryam is ready and here for creative & limited order giveaways custom made for you.
Call now to order ahead of time! - 90994500.
حج مبرور و ذنب مغفور انشالله

 Inside the bag: Thoub salat + seyada+ Mus'haf with cover.
Other designs are availabe.
Photography by: Faisal Al-Bisher

Thoub Maryam  

Custom made gergai'an & give aways.

Best of the luck 

I love 

Thoub Maryam

so me 
so colourfull so bright so joyfull
just perfect :)

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