الأربعاء، 16 نوفمبر 2011

Best pizza in town

Heard alot of the new it place for pizza called home slice in sh3eb alba7ry

Always look for the that door


I was a pit dissapointed no appatizer but when i saw the pizza i knew why

From inside

The kitchen

Our order was arabiata pizza

And tartoofa pizza with tuffule oil have with tomato sauce and half with white sauce

One sad accident to my bb

We took the rest for take away the pizza was huge enough for 3.5 person lol

I had to add chilli flakes very mmm mmmm goood

O bel3afya 3alina

#NowOpen in Shaab Al-Bahry
Block 8
Nafae Ibn Alazraq Street

☏ 22615025

#NextTo Mandarin Mart


Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

هناك 11 تعليقًا:

  1. بالعافية
    بنت عمي وايد تمدحه ويوم دزت لي اسم المحل بالوتس آب قريتها homicide pizza

  2. What a sad blog so repetitive and down right boring to the core your articles and subjects lack major originality and sense by all means of the word... .just going through your blog and your past recent articles and other information puts me to sleep.... Plus I can't seem to find anything special or meaningful for that matter maybe you should try to put some thoughts and above all some TRUTH somewhere in your blog cause people are not stupied and don't believe any junk you say sometimes

  3. I truly feel sorry for alnoury blog readers they are really misguided in a lot of ways and people you can judge for yourself just look at this horrid so called blog seriously there should be a rule about this ??? Caus menn hab oo dab 9ar yabi egool ay 7'arboo6aa
    Blogech elawe33 el chabd

  4. dear anonymous: your comment shows that you dont have a life so get one and if you think that this blog boring why waste your time

  5. Hello triple F... And what a charming name you have got funny and sad (just like this blog)
    Maybe you should look u the word( life) cause you seem to be missing that part
    Soo I ain't gona waste my time here and I suggest you get a life in the meantime ...looooooll

  6. chandel
    yes dear it is nice try it o goleelna rayech


    the triple F
    cocohead ma 3alich menha

  7. ok you caught my attention :D i'm going tonight!

  8. toomzi
    roo7ai o ed3eeli

    mira y3afeech enty killa sabgatna

  9. Jarbta mara al pizza latheetha bs HUUUGE wayd :p
    one pizza kloha 4 persons o zadat b3d LOOL :p

  10. نزهاويه
    yes it is huge bas tasty walla
