السبت، 12 نوفمبر 2011

برج الحمراء

There was a lot of Gaga about the hamra grand opening 
wasnt that WoW 

i had big expectations to it
took the kids on tour in town :p
and the pics just tells u in short words what was there 
unfortunatly the road was not finished
the bricks were not in place
mmm still workeres
no shops
abit dissappointing

i think they wanted to prove a point that we didnt want the date to pass by
sawooolna action sara7a 

i found a lot of people taking pics and alot with their famillies bas all the faces say 
and then,,,,,,,,,,,,,?????

هناك تعليقان (2):

  1. اهما قالوا انه مو الافتتاح
    هذا احتفال بانتهاء بناء البرج نفسه :) !

  2. اي صح مو افتتاح بس مو مرتب ولا كانه احتفال بانتهاء البرج
    جراقي ليزر اي شي غير المعتاد كان غير متوافر حتى مو حلوة انه الارصفه مو خالصه حواليه
