Was invited by the lovely athba to come and check out their new saloon. They have been on home servise For almost 3 years and now mashallla in a saloon

From inside ;)

Mashallla presntation is a killer loved every bits of ito

Juices from yoonibar juice

Yummy Cookies widh they were abit smaller

Mmmm deliciouse cupcakes from maDdame sucre

Mashallla a very wide range of nailpolish colors

Tana7 ella yaby ysaweee mani padi

Aaahhh tea time and i loved the box that presented all kind of graet teas

My tea ;) lemongrass.

Gusse which is ny slipper

Mashallla mawgfat elgahwa wala elthyafa magassrooo

Heheeh bothroos at froyonation lap ;)

Thank u athba ana sunflower for the lovely goodibag (:

I loved everyminute of it i loved ur saloon loved ur familly and enjoyed my time with u grls and the bloggers ;)
Follow them on instagram @sunflowerbeautycenter
Jabrya block1a street 6 building86 2nd floor
Tel: 25322126 - 55695000
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