i soooo craved frozen yougurt that day

sayma o kil shai ashtehy
o tethakart cherries ysawe minis
it was just the right portion the right price
12 peices assorted 5.950
i like
very well packed 7adddy kayaft o 6ar elbox beli feeh
3alina bel3afya :p

love how neat and all cups are xact size of the icebox
i have to admit i am in love
to order call 22474888
two branches in yarmouk co op and in deera
I loved it tooo latheeeth :P
ردحذفبالعافيه :)
ردحذفwrapping mania
ردحذفbacher bacher inshalla
chai eltha7a
allah y3afeech dear :*