الجمعة، 12 نوفمبر 2010

my trip day #1 :s

i am on a  bussiness + abit of plessure not so much to bali indonisia:p

this is a very long long trip
we stopped in dubai airport but when we wanted to take off we waited about 2 hours inside the plane on the runway waiting for the plane that emergncy landed on the runway :s

any way all the stress went away when i saw the Pinkberry sign in Dubai airport

 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh thank u alshay3
because of kuwait accident we didnt have time to do anything but pinkberry

 oooooooohhhhhh did i say that i saw

Aishwarya Rai 

and she looks stunningly pretty

bas ma midany i talk she was late on her flight to london and i was ina shock and one indian fellow next to me with jaws wide open :D 

 anyways we reached Jakarta airport after a loooooooooooooooooooooooooong 8 hour flight
i slept maybe 4 hours waking up on hard turbilance made the flight attendance fall down next to me
yayks elmo5tasar gemt 3ala 5ar3a sheyredny anam :s
watched two movies dinner with shmucks o the A team
and here some pics of the boring airport with no good food to eat :s 
the only thing good was the lounge wifi i get to c all bbms :p

 green boiled eggs
nafs lamn u take gum at the cashier u take boiled eggs 3an el7asafa yaay
 i found it intresting mini krispy kream donuts 
leesh ma3ndna chethy??
 o hatha 5ooobeeez reee7ta mu 6abeee3ya tekfa5
imagine all these trays
i went back to get money ma3ndy floos
laan radeeet wala 7itttta
even nis wa7da maku
leeesh min akalhom ya7afeth
wella shelllat 3ayayez 5athoo elaweli o eltalli :s 
3ad eb 5a6ry

 thakarny eb elli bdubai:p 

chyas fathya thayegat 5elgy o 3aligatny :s


really nice notebook or agenda found at starbucks jakarta airpot

 6ab3an ana mo5i ra7 b3eed chinna madry shino
chan agoolhom wesh tha?
6ala3 mosabaga gassinha mn eljareeda o 7a6eenha 7ag elsa7b
7ad om elnizaka:p


 a5eeran our gate looks like the bottom of a gazibo:p
loooks funky not like any formal airport
tile floors with parkeh entrance:P

c u on the next part when we reach Bali :)

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