الثلاثاء، 24 يناير 2012

تجربتي مع مبخر المشعل

اتصلت على الرقم اللي عط،نس اياه اصحاب الاختراع وتم استلام المباخر وارجاع المبلغ كامل
كل الشكر لهم والى المزيد من الاختراعات الجديده المفيده
شكرا لكم

يمكنكم التبديل او استرجاع المبلغ كامل من خلال ٠٠٩٦٥ ٦٦٦٠٠٣١٣ محمد الشاهين
،نحن نعدكم بالافضل والتطوير دائما

صراحة وايد صارت عليه دعايه واعلانات وبي سيات وكتبو عنه بلوقات
مغريه الفكرة كانت خاصه اللي يحبون البخور اتعل الفحمه عشان تشب
شرينا ٣ 
واللي حوالينا شرو نفس الشي 
كل مبخر اب ٢٥ دينار مو شي بسيط

وتوقعت اضل من جذي صراحة

 حطيت كسرة بخوره عاديه خدها مابقبقت
ولا شبت اللا نصها
وماكو دخان اللا كلش اطرارة

والحرارة كانت الماكس
 بعدين حطيت معمول مفتت
وشب نوعا ما بطريقه مرضيه
مره ثانية مو واو 
بس يمشي الحال
ولمن مشيت ببخر الغرفه حسيته طفا وماكو دخان 
هممممم مادري

الجهار ما انصح فيه كلش وايد توقعته احسن من جذي 
وسعره غالي وايد

السبت، 21 يناير 2012

thanx zain happy new year

my kids went crazy about the calender 
because of the happy face they r having bluetagged in their rooms :p

i loved the agenda so nice
loved the qoute :p
my month
another desk calender and papers thart i use daily base:s

another desk calender month by month i like

thanks zain again i love it when my bell rings and i get ur lovely gifts keep it coming :p

my visit to sunnyside up

 loved the idea of having iphone and bb charges
extra point for u guys
 mugs on wall
 kitchen window

 eggs are good for?? >>>
chipped nailpolosh shame on u owners leaving waitres give away food like this
a big no no

 omelete with cheese the chees i picked was outta of stock :s
realy normal omelete tastes like our house normal omelete
 waffels with nuttella 
i asked for extra crispy 
it was fair

and our bill

for me i will not go back again
nothing different
or extra tastey
waiters were very slow and keep repeating my order and forgot one of the stuff i ordered and i canceled i dont want it anymore although no one was there to serve so she will forget
plus the big turn off was the chipped nailpolish i almost had a heart attack 
i really dont like chipped nailpolish

best of luck to the people of sunnyside up bas u need to add something different on ur menu and work on staff abit

الثلاثاء، 17 يناير 2012

my new addiction

 i went to the baroui avenues branch to find this popcornshop
 i loved the idea where u can send this as a gift looks amazing and tastes even better
 they had shows on tv on foodnetwork feturing popconpolis
 my eternal love goes to the candy apple aaahhh ya galbi

 the kinds of popcorns they have
 now that guy looks so freaky not even funny
 they sell cotten candy

cattlecorn =salt+caramel
cinamon= amazing
zebra= out of this world just wow

الاثنين، 16 يناير 2012

our kashta

it was a lovely day with lovely weather when i got this msg from pinkgirl checking if we can do kashta
i was like sure 
chan etma6er 2 hours before kashta
anyways we thought of changing place
abla noura suggested gahwat elshammimry 
which i never been too bs looks nice walla
very well choice abla noura love it

 of course my ma6ara bag elkash5a i lovvveee it

 sma6y o shmoo3i loool sawooo jaw
o mashalla bla nour ayayba m3addas o fa6ayer
gahwa 7elwa specially made 7ag abla noura kanat eb5a6rha
o gahwty elmashhoora
o karaaaaaaaaaaaaaar
 o elma3abeeeeeeeeeech
 ya3al halayady matemas ha elnar ya rab
 6alabna chwayha
 9a7ny :p bel3afya 3alay
 7alay elgooory o elestkanat mashy 7alik bas elga3da etyannninnnnn weya el9o7ba elraw3a
my karak 
thank u pinkgirl for ur thought
thanks all of u grls had fun with u wayed waeyd
pinkgirlq8, Abla Noura, Q8Rain, Mira Tiger mood, Ama Traveler, The Site Talk, Froyonation 

السبت، 7 يناير 2012

Me no blog ifff

Ok i have no laptop my stupid house keeper forgot it at someones farm and they left it there i have to claim it next weekend 3aaaaa the programme blogpress and blogger is not uploading any pics or publishing my posts amoot ya3ny - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

الأحد، 1 يناير 2012

happy new year all wish u all the best

دعـــاء بداية السنه الجــــــــــــديده ..
اللهم إني أسألك خير هذه السنه ومابعدها,،
واعوذ بك من شر هذه السنه وشر مابعدها..,,
اللهم إني أسألك هذه السنه فتحــها ونصرها..
ونورهــــــا وبركتـــها وهداهــــا,,
وأعوذ بك من شر مافيها باطنها وظاهرها
كل عاام وأنتو بخير,